. . . even if you are established at a publisher with a dedicated editor, Marion has a perspective and an editorial hand that is beautifully additive.
Christina Lauren ~ NYT, USA Today, and Internationally Bestselling authors
Line Editing
This very detailed editing service ensures that sentences are coherent and effective. I declutter sentences, watching for repetition, polish with stronger word choices, and look closely to ensure the word choices and syntax contribute to the tone and emotion of the work. Most importantly, I ensure the author's voice remains.
This very detailed editing service focuses on the mechanics of the manuscript, spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as adhering to a style guide. I'll correct distracting inconsistencies, like shifts in tense, spelling or writing numbers and more.
Content Editing
with in-manuscript commentary
This service offers in-depth story and plot review, providing detailed observations and suggestions on character arc and consistency, timeline checking, pacing, and story believability.
This is done within the manuscript in Word.
Developmental Editing Service
This service provides two thorough passes with in-manuscript commentary, including
content, line and copyediting.
I will offer suggestions for big-picture arc, plot, story, and character arcs, timeline and character consistency, pacing, fix awkward sentences, avoid unnecessary repetition of words, phrases and more.
You are welcome to contact authors with whom I have worked.
Rachel Higginson